istrau2 Yes, but this is not what I need. You can have a lot of volume by selling back and forth small amounts. I need a tighter spread.
I need to be able to tell a customer: If you click buy now you will pay ??? EUR for 10 000 CNY. And right now the ??? EUR number is not reasonable. I can provide a good EUR<>XML rate, but I also need a good CNY<>XML rate.
If someone did arbitrage trading between Stellar and lets say BTC38 this could work for me and they would also make some money on it.
Coinmarketcap shows that there is not much difference between CNY-XLM and EUR-XLM.
There is still a lot of work and testing on my side to be done, but for anything to work I need CNY to follow the BTC38 numbers closer.