Hey everyone!
When Stellar launched in August 2014 piiko.co was the first service to accept Lumens as payment method. Later (around May 2015) we had to drop support and then never updated the integration to work with the new network.
Today I'm happy to enable it back. For now we will accept payment in XLM directly. Later we will switch to USD asset, when I figure out a way to make it less confusing for users. Support for QR codes is coming too.
Possibly federation too, something like <order code>*piiko.co
probably can make a difference.
There are few reasons to support Stellar payments:
- recent Bitcoin price rise and increased network fees made it completely uneconomical for low value transactions
- I believe that lack of utility is a major factor holding Stellar back at the moment
Let me know about your experience if you're going to try it out!