ULASafe is an open-source chrome/firefox/Opera plugin that allow to store Stellar wallets.
It is currently under development.
Current features:
- real-time balance of Stellar accounts (Public, private keys or federation addresses) (in XLM)
- XLM/BTC rate in many currencies*
- translated in many languages**
- multiple accounts
- account creation
- account merge
- send XLM (Public keys / Federation addresses)
- join custom inflation pool
- print account
- export account by email
- export account by QR code
- protect your data with password
- detect public keys / federation addresses on all websites
- Provide transaction signature
.* currencies currently available: AUD, BRL, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, PHP, USD
** language supported: English, French, Spanish, Portugese
The sources are available on Github -> https://github.com/HerveKoener/ULASafe
The plugin is publicly available:
- For firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/ulasafe/
- For chrome: http://quasark.dorefy.com/ULASafe/add-ons/ULASafe.crx
A user guide is available here: http://quasark.dorefy.com/ULASafe/
Here are the future features that I have currently in mind:
- Brain wallet -> IN PROGRESS
- Transaction history
- Budget management
- [Your idea here]
If you have other ideas or information that you want to have in the plugin don't hesitate to post it.
Edit [21/10/2017]: XLM/BTC rates are in AUD, BRL, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, PHP, USD
If you want more currencies, you can ask ?
Edit [24/10/2017]: The plugin is available here: https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/ulasafe/
Edit [30/10/2017]: Source code available on github: https://github.com/HerveKoener/ULASafe
Edit [03/11/2017]: You can now protect your data with password and the private keys can be encrypted on the browser.
Edit [01/11/2017]: You can now merge accounts
Edit [11/11/2017]: A user guide is now available on http://quasark.dorefy.com/ULASafe/ and the chrome version of the plugin is now public.
Edit [13/11/2017]: ULASafe now support federation addresses:
- You can add federation addresses;
- You can send lumens to federation addresses;
- ULASafe can detect federation addresses on visited website;