kg1972 Could you please be more specific when asking questions? What do you mean with Lightning?
Are you talking about a comparison between Stellar and the 2nd layer payment system on Bitcoin (Lightning)? What kind of answer are you looking for? They seem to be solving different problems. One advantage of Stellar is that it actually exists, is battle tested and you can use it. While the lightning network is still in development and doesn't have a release date. I think that Stellar's biggest advantage compared to other payment systems is that it has a decentralised exchange built into the network. I don't have big hopes for Lightning, it looks like it's going to be difficult to use. All this locking in of Bitcoins is too complicated for regular users.
You can also have a lightning network on Stellar. Jed blogged about it.
P.S. If you are running an anchor and payment application built on Stellar I assume you are a bit familiar with inner workings of Stellar and should be able to compare this 2 technologies. That's why I'm surprised and am not sure what you are actually asking.