What is Lupoex
accessible at:
Lupoex is a portal that connects to the stellar decentralized exchange. You can use Lupoex to:
- View account details, asset balances, open offers and history
- Send payments
- Execute trades
- Search through stellar assets and issuers
- View lots of trade related data including OLHCV, recent trades, orderbook etc.
and much more
Version 3 Updates
Version 3 features a client that has been significantly upgraded all across the board:
General Updates
- Fees have been entirely removed (previously lupoex charged a small fee for creating offers). . You can now use lupoex entirely for free.
- A large portion of the codebase has been rewritten/restructured with a focus on clarity and reliability (unidirectional data flow as well as much heavier use of redux)
- The site has been completely optimized for mobile use.
- The whole website has been given a facelift in terms of tightening up of the layout + styles.
- Real time alerts for all account effects. You get alerted whenever anything happens to your account (such as receipt of a payment, an executed trade or change of trust etc.)
Markets Screen
- Page has been entirely rebuilt to use the new asset card concept.
- Search widget has been removed (in favor of the newly built search sidebar - accessible by clicking the asset pair up top)
- The table has been revamped with asset cards as well a couple of new columns (buying and selling volume).
Trading Screen
- The trading screen now has a new, more user-friendly layout.
- The entire trading screen is now completely real time. This includes the new price chart, new recent trades widget, orderbook chart, orderbook table, my offers widget - all will update in real time as operations are created on stellar.
- The price graph has been completely replaced with the tradingview charting library.
- The recent trades widget has been added.
- Orderbook chart has been rebuilt and moved.
- Added the concept of replacable asset cards. Basically, an asset card contains most information needed to identify an asset. Addtionally, these asset cards are replacable by clicking on them and then choosing a new one from the sidebar.
Account Management Screen
- Page has been mobile optimized
- Profile tab layout has been modified somewhat.
- Asset Balances tab has a new layout
- Asset Balances table now allows sorting on asset code, balance and trust limit as well as searching on issuer and code. The issuer column now includes the home_domain (if it exists) - you can search on the home domain as well as the issuer address.
- Open Offers table now allows for sorting on offered amount, offered asset code, desired asset code, desired asset issuer and price as well as searching on offered asset code, offered asset issuer, desired asset code and desired asset issuer. As with asset balances, the issuer columns now also contain home domains and allow for searching on both the issuer address or the issuer home domain.
- The history tab has been completely revamped with user friendly descriptions and icons for each effect.
The lupoex codebase can be viewed at: