Graphite has been updated with new features and enhancements for entry into the November 2017 SBC. Some of the most notable improvements are described here in this post.
Eight additional data aggregation types have been added. The additional new types are shown in the list below.
- Average : (Average price of the trades during the period.)
- Median : (Midpoint of the trading price for the period.)
- LWA : (Linear weighted average price for the period.)
- EMA : (Exponentially weighted average price for the period.)
- VWAP : (Volume weighted average price for the period.)
- EVWA : (Elastic volume weighted average price for the period.)
- SD : (Standard deviation of the trading price for the period.)
- Variance : (Variance of the trades for the period.)
All the aggregation is done using a segregated first order method that is provided by the Rocket data service.
Improved data scrubbing has also been added to provide a cleaner view of the price data. The level of data scrubbing can be controlled dynamically by the user through a web API provided by the Rocket data service.
There is now a new simple line type graph. The line graph will retrieve a visualization of the latest available aggregated price data each time the URL image link is accessed. The new line graph type will make it possible to view any of the individual aggregate types that are created from the price data. This line graph can also have a theme applied like other current and future Graphite graph types. Some of the theme options that have been added just for the line type graph include line style type, line color, line width, choice of displaying a symbol marking each of the interval period points and the symbol that is used.
The graph theme support now has some first time exposure. It is now possible to change the theme each time a request is made to the graph endpoint. This is done using the theme
URL parameter for example: . An attempt has been made to create a basic graph theme that might some what match the colors used here on GalacticTalk. The GalacticTalk theme was created by modifying a little over half of the 120 or so settings available in a theme configuration. This example theme probably does not provide the best aesthetics, but should give an idea of how adjusting various theme settings can change the appearance of a graph.

The graph above is using the new line type with the GalacticTalk
example theme. The graph also is using a new aggregate method of VWAP, which is just one of 8 that are newly available. The theme support can be seen in action by requesting the graph without specifying a theme
parameter in the URL for example If no theme is specified, then the default dark
theme will be used.