The LBSN Is a concept we have been operating on other platforms but we believe would be great to adopt to a fast low cost crypto like Stellar. The basis of the system is to monetize on sensor data be it temperature / Humidity/ UV / Velocity / location etc. Users can volunteer sensor data from IOT nodes , smartphones and other devices to a pool at a price. An Endnode can request the data by paying the fee to single or multiple nodes.
An example would be say a company wants to carry out a traffic analysis. Users passing through the area to be tested can submit travel data via their smartphones and the company can purchase multiple sets of data at different times. Nodes from which data is collected can be at random / price dependant or according to relevance.
Server handling the requests will keep a percentage commission of the fee and the rest is passed on to the sensor node. Each sensor node will have a lumens account where the fee is transferred before the node replies with the data requested as part of the payment transaction. Each Iot node / sensor can offer single or multiple parameters. We are currently transferring the concept to demo stellar based system and will upload the link very soon
Please let us have your feedback and thoughts!