Here are some negative quotes from the forum:
<<The cruption voice is herd and they
Let it go yes you have been reported to the UK government as a stock that is been manipulated and should not be allowed so let it rise naturally>>
<<How this coin can not get past .04 and stay there is absolutely ridiculous! Could have made a bunch on bitcoin or others but have stayed true til this point with xlm!
Won't make any final decisions til after the 1st of the year, but I have a shitload of Lumens (Now 800k with purchasing more thru all the big dips recently) im getting ready to go in a different direction with. ?
The only reason I have stayed this long is the good news.....and I don't need the money right now,,, lol>>
<<!@#$%, every time i check the sell status, I always see at least 1 big sell books. usually at least 25 btc.
0.00000471 5532570.42452555 26.05840670>>
<<Do you think there is price manipulation going on ? I always see about 25 btc on Polo selling chart. That's very strange to me.>>
<<Darth sorry mate I am coming to the conclusion this coin Is been manipulated to much you said you had reported this to stellar and yet nothing changes I have put this on twitter now and think we should all contact dowling of IBM let him know what we feel and see if IBM still go along with this>>
<<Yeah. What's going on with Stellar over the last weeks. I am going to hodl but it would be nice if it moved up bit by bit. Luke does Jed need to go see Yoda?>>
<<Same thing happens in STR/BTC parity in Poloniex too. There is a smaller walls about 5 BTC and bigger walls about 20-25 BTC after couple of higher orders. That is why I wanted you to check it out STR/BTC parity too..>>
<<The bot makes an order in both side of book. Generally, a smaller 5-10 BTC in close prices and 20+ BTC in higher prices. He manipulates the prices and doesn't allow pumps and dumps except the ones that he does itself. He removes all the walls and pump it with supporting the buy wall with huge amounts.>>
<<Wow Xlm is so heavily manipulated with pump and dumps. Someone needs to moderate that, either the community or the team.>>
<<We are the people, we are sick and tired of whales stealing from us. They are the 1 %. Not because they smart but rather where they were born. Born already rich.......And now, let us use our brain and knowledge to become the next 2 percent and show these rich MF's that average person can replace them in any profession. Anyhow, tomorrow by 4 pm, i will submitt new XLM manifesto and hope to get some average Joe's ideas and propositions. BY 4 PM.>>
<<is it Always going to be when bitcoin goes up stellar goes down?this way we will never leave the 400-600 range>>
<<Getting crapped on by bitcoin as usual!>>
<<gods are transfering their money from left pocket of the pant to right... in order to fxck investors on btc
and we are watching... this is the biggest hype ever seen... anyway btc is reaching the tech targets ... with no effect on xlm and xrp>>
<<Wow you were right when you said if we messed with the price and made it go up and down, the idiots would all leave the forum. What should we do to the price now that they're gone? :-)
Projection is a natural primitive human tribal emotion, it is never our fault, it is always somebody or something else. But that doesn't help you analyze trades, it just sends you farther down the rabbit hole. Let go of your feelings.>>
Quotes from money whale:
<<And so, the clever whales continue to slightly drop the price of the precious lumens.
Prepping for the big launch. Incoming pumps soon. Don't mind the tiny dumps. Just trying to buy a couple more
cheap before the take off.
Edit: alright, getting off to finish preps with the other whales. See you all in a couple hours. Well, those of you who got on board at least. Again, don't mind the tiny dumps from our end. bigger pump will make up for it. Please stay buckled in and prepare for blast off. Thank you for Flying Air Whale folks!>>
<<The only money I care about is mine! >?
Edit: Preparing to pump and dump the holy hell out of XLM at .04000! WOOOOOO
Edit3: I don't care about the whole "its the future of money maaaan" BS, I care about the money
in my pocket right now! Give me all that good shit! >?
Edit4: Get in my pocket money!
Edit5: I'm going to need some bigger pockets boys!
Edit6: EVERYONE GET ON BOARD WHILE YOU CAN! In a couple hours, its goin to be PUMP and DUMP season! >>
<<Attention all Whales!
I summon you to feast upon this fresh meat of pumped lumens this fine fine evening!
Get em boys!>>
My lumens!>>
I had to stop here as it was taking too much time to scroll back. I wanted to show you a guy who was 15k in the red after the 2nd moonshot in october but I hope it gives you an idea. this is the last 2 weeks.