As an application developer I was wondering if it might be possible for someone from Stellar to write up a tutorial on how to connect Sawtooth and Stellar. A PoC was recently published showing the integration of the Etherium VM and Sawtooth (Seth) from the guys who did HyperLedger Burrow.
Given the scalability of Sawtooth, the private channels and now smart contracts it would seem a natural fit to plug Stellar in. As I understand it, while it would be possible to have tokens within Seth it would much better to tap into the Stellar DEX with native XLM.
There has been a lot of work done within HyperLedger on the Tuna supply chain scenario. It is part of the EDx HyperLedger course. Adding a Stellar layer whereby Miriam's restaurant could pay Sarah for her catch would give Stellar great exposure but also lower the bar for developers to enter this space using Lumens for currency.
I could give it a go, but I am not sure where to start (hence my question).