I am trying to set up a private network of 5 nodes - all 5 nodes are in same AWS instance. Just changed the port http and peer port no. in stellar-core.cfg file.
When I start node 1 & 2 it gets synced however node3, 4 & 5 are not getting synced. I am getting below as status:
Node 3:
"status" : [
"Catching up: Awaiting 1/1 prerequisites of: get-history-archive-state",
"Proposing herder configuration upgrades: [PROTOCOL_VERSION=9, MAX_TX_SET_SIZE=50]; network values for LCL are: PROTOCOL_VERSION=0, BASE_FEE=100, MAX_TX_SET_SIZE=100, BASE_RESERVE=100000000"
Node 4:
"status" : [
"Proposing herder configuration upgrades: [PROTOCOL_VERSION=9, MAX_TX_SET_SIZE=50]; network values for LCL are: PROTOCOL_VERSION=0, BASE_FEE=100, MAX_TX_SET_SIZE=100, BASE_RESERVE=100000000"
Node 5:
"status" : [
"Proposing herder configuration upgrades: [PROTOCOL_VERSION=9, MAX_TX_SET_SIZE=50]; network values for LCL are: PROTOCOL_VERSION=0, BASE_FEE=100, MAX_TX_SET_SIZE=100, BASE_RESERVE=100000000"
How much time ideally it takes for nodes to be in sync?
Am I missing something?
History in stellar-core.cfg is set as given below:
get="cp /tmp/node1/stellar-core/history/vs/{0} {1}"
put="cp {0} /tmp/node1/stellar-core/history/vs/{1}"
mkdir="mkdir -p /tmp/node1/stellar-core/history/vs/{0}"
Node 2:
get="cp /tmp/node2/stellar-core/history/vs/{0} {1}"
put="cp {0} /tmp/node2/stellar-core/history/vs/{1}"
mkdir="mkdir -p /tmp/node2/stellar-core/history/vs/{0}"
Node 3:
get="cp /tmp/node3/stellar-core/history/vs/{0} {1}"
put="cp {0} /tmp/node3/stellar-core/history/vs/{1}"
mkdir="mkdir -p /tmp/node3/stellar-core/history/vs/{0}"
Node 4:
get="cp /tmp/node4/stellar-core/history/vs/{0} {1}"
put="cp {0} /tmp/node4/stellar-core/history/vs/{1}"
mkdir="mkdir -p /tmp/node4/stellar-core/history/vs/{0}"