Hi. I am a bit confused and don't know where to ask and hoping to find some answers.
Five days ago I decided to buy stellar lumens. I opened account in Black wallet. To make that account active I had to send at last 20 lumens to that account. What I did is I bought 1200 stellar lumens in Poloniex and was sending to my Black wallet all 1200 lumens. Now five days later that account still showing balance zero. I was trying to send messages to support team. I already send like 5 messages but no response. I cant find direct email to Black wallets admin. Can you pleas help me please or give any directions where I can look for help.
Lost Lumens
Martins_Laksis Do you have a transaction id? It should show up in the Poloniex withdrawal history. With the transaction hash you can check the status of your transaction here: https://stellar.expert/explorer/
Thanks for reply.
Yes I do have id number. I went to this site but its doesn't tells much. What I need to look fore please?
Martins_Laksis Once you paste the Txid into https://stellar.expert/explorer/ you can check what account the transaction was sent to and if there were maybe outgoing transactions from this account. The BlackWallet is an online wallet, you can paste the same secret key into https://www.stellar.org/account-viewer/#!/ and get access to your Lumens. I don't think this is an issue with the BlackWallet.
Thanks a lot. I done as you suggested. I logged in in stellar account with my seacret kay and all my stellar lumens was there.
Problem solved
Thanks mate. ?