I originally signed up for my account in 2014 and I just went through the upgrade process to recover my old account, and it says "Upgraded" and that I had a certain amount of lumens in the old network. It then gave me a private key and public key. When I enter in the private key to sign in to the account viewer, it takes me to a wallet that says my balance is 0, it also says "This account doesn't exist on the network. To create this account, send it at least 20 lumens (XLM) to fulfill the minimum balance." However, in the transaction history, there's a transaction for +X lumens (the amount the previous page said I had in my old account) and another transaction listed as "[account merge]" I'm wondering why my lumens aren't showing up in the account viewer. Has anyone else encountered (and solved) this issue? I haven't heard back from Stellar support yet.
Thanks SO much for your help!