hatch I've written a little Node-based REPL for Stellar here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/stellar-repl It bundles APIs and preconfigures some stuff to help get going quickly. See the NPM link for details and the index.js to see what's exposed.
hatch Features APIs stellar-sdk / stellar-base (all exports - StrKey, Server, Transaction, etc.) stellar-hd-wallet (HdWallet, generateMnemonic, fromMnemonic, fromSeed) stellar-qr (Qr, getStellarLink, getStellarQR, qrWallets) StellarTerm Directory stellarterm-directory (Directory, assets, anchors, destinations, issuers, pairs) Horizon server handles (sdk.Server instances) serverMain (Aliases: m, main) serverTest (Aliases: t, test) serverLocal (Aliases: l, local) Wallet / Keychains (see stellar-hd-wallet) walletSession (Aliases: ws) - a wallet generated on REPL start walletPersist (Aliases: wp) - a wallet persistent over REPL sessions (same keys available each time) Autocomplete - hit tab twice to see what's available Get Started npm i -g stellar-repl > stlr stlr> ....