I'am interested in using stellar. One requirement I have is that the transactions are private. Basically that the sender and recipient can stay anonym. I know that monero does something like this with ring signatures and I was wondering if this is also possible in the current stellar core or planed for the future.

    t-io It's currently not possible and I don't know anyone working on it.

    miff Maybe I get the concept of lightning network wrong but as I understand this the transaction does not get more privacy, like with a transaction mixer. It's "only" routed through multiple accounts which should result in more but traceable transactions. Do I miss something there?

    • rob replied to this.
      13 days later

      miff I have a significant interest in this and even your thoughts on a decentralized concept of this. Do you have time for a chat?

      @vlad Absolutely, I'm "mitch" on the stellar public slack.