Nope. There is no command. Any client which wants to know details about a given asset has to implement the process of retrieving the toml-file. does that. The official stellar desktop client doesn't do that. StellarTerm.. I dont know.. ;-). You can check if your setup is fine by finding your asset on You want to have a green check and your icon there! When you hover the icon ther should be something like "verified by <your domain>"
token creation
Hello & thank you. The .toml has been causing me the most trouble. Has anyone been able to create the .well-known directory on neocities? It says I have the directory created but I cant see/access it to put the .toml file in.
.well-known directory exists if you have https website.
hi. sorry I was off for the weekend.. all good now?
nick0816 no need to apologize, not demanding anyones help. I did resolve setting the home domain issue but the enabling CORS, I cant resolve. Dont know where ( Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * ) goes. (what file? separate file? is it even a file?) Separate google searches for setting http headers havent helped either.
mhh I dont know about neocities and what you can do, but on "normal" hosting sites you can put the following in a file called ".htaccess"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET,PUT,POST,DELETE"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Content-Type, Authorization"
and did you find your .well-known folder already ?
what programm you are using to browse your webspace? Just to be sure: files and folders starting with "." on linux systems are hidden.. if you are using e.g. winscp hidden folders are hidden by default.. you have to check the option "show hidden folders" in the preferences...
or just try to specify your problem..
nick0816 THANK YOU!!! This is the first I'm hearing that I even need an .htaccess file. Mentioned nowhere in the tutorial.
Ive gotten the .well-known and stellar.toml set up. WinSCP has been installed on my computer but have never used it and dont know how . Im using plain old Firefox. This is the last step. My specific problem is I need the meta information and logo to be discoverable.
This 1st token is an experiment.
I own a landscaping business and work with plant/tree nurseries throughout Houston. A customer loyalty program redeemable through a stellar token would be the coolest but if an expert level of knowledge for server/http or whatever other code is needed to attach a logo to the token, then this will never happen for me.
Thanks for responding. This part is frustrating as all the search results for enabling CORS just explain what CORS is and does.
mhh. just ask if you need further assistance. If you can provide us with the domain you set in your issuing account and the name of the asset Ill give it a try and check if your set up is correct.. I has similar issues and got help here on galactictalk... so ill try to give this back ;-)
yes thank you again nick! why we originally tagged you, you were asking the right questions.
asset code: MP
The domain is set to:
.toml file found at: and we put the .htaccess in the same directory. (saved it as .htaccess)
- Edited
seems everything is setup properly now.
CORS is set
it is verifyed
UHHH there will be an Airdrop ;-) Nice..
nick0816 Lol REALLY!?!? ALL HAIL nick0816!! I cannot thank you enough!
And of course, could never take from the community, only give. open source and decentralized is the future.
If you ever have time, I would love to start a private chat with you. Ask you some questions, get your opinion.
Email is on the site, not sure if able to post it here. Dont want to break forum rules.
Thank you (as much as is humanly possible)
mup trustline created ?
nick0816 bought one and put it to sell for double the price ?
cryptobrant very nice! established for this address? GAHMYOFSXL7624UC2TGJXGH5UZJZKKYYDKTUXAO2WJITOI76UZODAVLB.
Email me your public address or post it here if allowed. Not sure on the forum rules about that.
mup I received your 100 MP successfully.
I was able to look up trustline addresses on
amazing explorer.