Hello again, Im not a programmer by trade so bear with me.
The home domain has been set, and the .toml file put in the .well-known directory. Now I must enable CORS, but where does the code go?
According to the example tutorial not in the stellar.toml as I don't see it there. Where does "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" go? Another file? What type of file? What should I name the file? Is it even another file?
I know most here are some type of programmer and not to step on any toes, I believe the tutorials take that for granted. However I am a business owner and would love to get my customers into crypto and stellar through a future token rewards or loyalty program.
These tutorials are not written with people like me in mind which is fine, if I was never the intended audience.
I absolutely love stellar and everyone that helps development in anyway, but a re-write or separate stellar tutorials for dummies would be much appreciated. I know that means someone has to do work.
Thanks in advance,
Sincerely, code illiterate pleb.