We are working on a prototype for payment processing using the Stellar Platform. To receive payments, for now creating an account is mandatory. To send payments (pay invoices) an account with us is not needed.
Online Shops
The process will be as easy as end-users are used to from existing payment-platforms. A checkout-button redirects them to our website where they can
- sign in to their WebWallet account to pay with their in-account balance
- pay by signing the transaction with their own private key
- initiate the payment from any other wallet/accountviewer (stellarterm, stellar laboratory etc) they trust
- scan the QR code to pay with a mobile wallet
Knowledgebase for setting up the payment button as a merchant using our API for custom solutions will be almost as easy as using one of the plugins for widely known shopping scripts (Magento, WooCommerce etc).
Mobile Apps
Similar to the process of Online Shops but with a separate app for merchants, aimed primarily at retail and food industry. The merchant can set up sub-accounts for employees (important when using less devices than employees) to track who accepted which payment and in case tipping is enabled to either pay out the tip to the right employee or if the employee is a registered user, automatically forward the tip to the right useraccount.
Other Cryptocurrencies
To facilitate payments in cryptocurrencies other than XLM, we will take over the role as the Anchor and issue assets for each external cryptocurrency we want to support. The user can send us their Coin/Token on the external blockchain and gets credited with the corresponding asset on the Stellar Platform. We will also support issued assets of other Anchors if they are trusted.
The merchant can set which assets he accepts as payment. In case the user doesn't have the asset the merchant accepts, he can buy the asset needed on the (integrated) SDEX either automatically or manually.
Tracking addresses
The user will be able to add public keys to track their assets and movements. This will be extended with every new supported asset for other blockchains as well as exchanges that support read-only API to enable the user to overview all in one account.
This is the short version, a lot more features are planned. More information and screenshots will be added as development progresses.
WebWallet is entirely private funded and doesn't plan to charge any fees. We hope that donations by the community and hopefully a grant will keep it this way.