stellarctl hit its first release! The project can be found at and provides a commandline interface to all of stellars possible actions.
Its main features are:
- setup multi sign wallets with mnemonic codes according do SEP-0005
- send and receive assets without the need to trust a third party or browser
- buy and sell any asset on SDEX
- efficently inspect the stellar network state including balances and transaction details
- craft arbitary transactions using human readable yaml files
besides that it brings some nice features like recovering accounts from your mnemonics, resolving federation addresses, query coinmarketcap and many more ?
The transaction builder is the real killer feature of this tool: It is based on specifying the operations in a simple, human readable and editable yaml file which you can then simply sign off and commit to the network. All things that are possible inside stellar can be done using it.
So the setup of "smart contracts" in the sense of stellar becomes fairly easy and doesn't involve copy and pasting XDR code around.
The project also contains a tutorial section (within the docs folder) explaining how to do the following things using nothing but the commandline and stellarctl:
- setup a multisign wallet
- start an ICO
- create a cold wallet
This section will be expanded in the near future. If you want to know something specific, just let me know, I'll write a tutorial how to achieve what you want using stellarctl.
I hope that some of the dev people of you give it a try and test its features, ideally submitting issues on github if you find any ?
I know that v0.1.0alpha1 doesn't sound like viable software, but what should I do? I tested it and use it for all my stellar related activity, but some real testers/users should get their hands on it!
So please provide feedback, I think that our community needs a tool like that. If you go through /r/stellartutorials you will barely find a single tutorial which doesn't include using at least two or three different online services. And I alway feel like "no, I won't paste my secret key into that webapplication" even if the app claims that it will not send the key anywhere. It's javascript and javascript is insecure.