I've noticed that there aren't many USD anchors around. And no surprise; dealing with dollars is hard. Hopefully some serious financial institutions will come around to Stellar in time, but for now small businesses have some tools to deal with money. One such tool is the Stripe API, and in fact using Stripe you can run an entire anchor which takes deposits and allows withdrawals. What's an anchor you ask? Look here:
My SBC entry is a full-stack software package which, with minimal setup, runs a website, Stellar bridge, and backend server and talks to the Stripe API. Thanks to Stripe, you never touch user payment information, so you're not subject to some of the more tricky regulations.
The package can be found here:
And the README contains a full set of instructions for getting everything up and running. It's genuinely really easy to become an anchor. I really hope that people help me develop this and build on top of it, and soon we might have many options for USD anchors. Please, give it a try; Stripe provide great testing tools so it's really simple to test.