is a web-service which allows for users to easily facilitate the signing of payment transactions which require multiple signatories. It is being developed by myself and @dbulnes. We created the Stellar Slack tipping bot together as well.
The service can be thought of as a simpler version of the Stellar Laboratory combined with something like Pastebin. Users create a transaction consisting of one or more payment operations. This transaction, in its unsigned state, is then given a permanent home at a unique, automatically generated web address. This address can be easily shared with other signatories. Upon visiting the address, users have the ability to sign the transaction with their secret key, though their key is never transmitted. All signing occurs on the client / browser side, just as with the Stellar Laboratory. After the signing has occurred, the updated XDR transaction envelope is submitted to the server.
Users will have the option to be notified when their transaction is ready to be signed, or just have the transaction submit itself automatically.
The project will live at, though there is currently nothing there.
One thing we're very cognizant of is whether there are better / more secure ways for users to sign transactions than by using the browser. A very easy to use utility would be ideal, especially if users are guided through its use, though I think this is a bit much for a V1 considering we're getting quite a late start on the project relative to the SBC deadline. However, we'd love to hear all feedback.