GaltEx is the most innovative exchange for crypto assets built on top of SDEX - Stellar Decentralized Exchange.
It allows you to trade in four different markets:
- Forex listing more than a hundred world currencies
- Crypto listing the top hundred crypto currencies like XLM, BTC, ETH, etc
- Wall St. listing the top hundred stocks from Dow Jones and Nasdaq
- Galt St. listing all assets created by startups on the Stellar Network
In order to use GaltEx all you need to have is a Stellar account. You can buy and sell assets from your own wallet or you can login with your public key to track your orders. Keys are never stored or transmitted anywhere. We advise you to never share your secret keys in websites or apps you don't trust.
GaltEx is part of the financial services provided by GaltBank, the first crypto bank in the world with the most advanced and feature rich desktop and mobile wallets. GaltBank also offers payment services for your shopping needs so you can trade, shop and save with confidence backed by the most trusted bank on the blockchain.
In Code We Trust