strawberry Hi, I've created a custom token & have been trying to set the home domain (mostly to get a logo for the token), to no avail. As you can see, the "href" & "toml" fields are empty: But I've set the Home Domain for the Issuer (you can see here): What am I missing here? I haven't started the distribution yet. Thanks!
strawberry brewaa Hi, can you be more specific? All tokens have already been sent to the distribution account.
brewaa have you locked the issuing account? i ran into the same issue but just sent another token from my issuer and toml href was updated. As long as you have the home domain set correctly on your issuer and it appears you do.
brewaa I haven't tested but maybe sending one from any account will suffice. Looks like your account isn't locked so it shouldn't be a problem. If you're worried about the numbers just burn one in your distribution account by sending it back to the issuer.
strawberry brewaa Thanks, man. Indeed, it hasn't been locked. I'll try to send one back & recreate one more.
strawberry strawberry OK, I can confirm that sending it back solved the problem. I guess if I had just distributed the tokens perhaps it'd be updated, too. Thanks again, brewaa!
strawberry Btw, just recreated 1 4KC. I suggest modifying the tutorial here: and flip Step 4 & 5. This way, the toml link will be correct from the beginning.