Our mission is to create a decentralized food system that is fueled by collaboration, transparency, and sustainability. We envision a world where producers are equitably compensated, while we as consumers save money and know the who, what, where, and whens of our food.
What is FS?
Foodstems is a social marketplace and supply chain management platform connecting buyers and sellers through direct sales. We coordinate farmers’ availability lists (product supply) with customer orders (volume of demand) and manage the logistics between. We utilize a cooperative purchasing model and blockchain technology to deliver greater transparency and collaboration to the food system. Our platform matches, as closely as possible, supply to demand.
Why Stellar?
We feel most aligned with Stellar’s mission to provide low-cost financial services to fight poverty and maximize individual potential. Agriculture and food is the economic foundation of many developing nations. Stellar provides the most efficient transfer of value via their global exchanges, protocol, and network, which conveniently aligns with our mission to help farmers/producers and foodservice/consumers utilize improved economic efficiencies and opportunities. Collaboration and transparency ensures that every stakeholder in our system is a winner.
What we are actively doing next (now)
Our beta is currently launched and being tested on a group of local farmers and food trucks in the Bay Area. We have built a proof of concept of a distributed node system which allows us to store private transaction data, while being referenced on the Stellar blockchain via a unique Hash. We intend to integrate Foodstems’ supply chain management with a commodities and financing exchange.
Browse, select your products and delivery dates, checkout

Driver picks up combined orders, and packages individual orders, signs off

Optimized delivery route using Google Maps API, Text notifications integrated with Twilio

Check out our block explorer here
This is our Block Explorer application in Foodstems. It allows us to search any transaction quickly. In conjunction with our delivery application, we are able to have full visibility into the supply chain. This gives us the ability to look up any transaction and know with clarity the details of the order as well as its status verified in the blockchain.

This is an example of the transaction details stored in our distributed node system

This is an example of our Stellar Testnet Hash, which references the details of the transaction (product delivery)

Visit here to see our Github