Hi, Can you please guide me on how can I prepare an escrow account on the stellar platform.

Basically, I wanted to submit a transaction wherein buyer of a good purchase a commodity and put XLM in an escrow account and when he receives the commodity, the buyer confirms the transaction and XLM are sent to the seller's address.

    jean-lux I have read this page 100 times and still can't figure out what they are trying to say.
    A practical example with lines of code will be more helpful.

    11 days later

    Sorry for the late reply, you can use multisignatures to construct a Stellar Smart Contract. By creating a regular account with additional signers. In your case if the client recieves the commodity in question, he can authorize the transaction to release the funds in that account to the buyer. In case of a dispute, you can use the accounts' master key to resolve the issue.

    For practical examples:

    23 days later