Hi folks! I wanted to share some progress in the tutorial. As of today, it is 50% done. I just completed a very basic implementation of the backend to support the service.
I'm trying to keep cognitive overload as low as possible. That's why you will see how it ignores on purpose a bunch of best practices or securities considerations. My goal is to complete the basic first backend + mobile. And then talk about best practices and security, for now I'm leaving notes like "don't do this in production!".
Here's the link to the tutorial, I'd love to hear your feedback and/or contributions https://blog.abuiles.com/building-your-own-venmo-with-stellar/ ?
A question to other devs out there, what has been your major frustration when building your solution on top of Stellar? Would you be interested in being part of a weekly (bi-weekly) hangout or something similar to talk about building apps with Stellar? If so, fill this form https://goo.gl/forms/hUN8ScgAA3xqFl093
P.S I normally hire an editor when working on books but since this is a free tutorial, I'll let the editing to the crowds and friends ?