- Edited
We're excited to announce the following improvements to the BlockEQ wallets since winning an honourable mention in the last build challenge:
Update: The first version of our iOS app has been published in the App Store making it the first private Stellar Wallet available. We will be publishing an updated version with SDEX trading and support for Stellar tokens shortly.
New Features:
1. SDEX Trading
Select your trading pair and view the order book that displays the top 5 buy and sell offers. Submit trades at the best market rate or submit an offer at your desired rate. In the Market view, you can enter the amount of the asset you want to offer and you're shown how much of the other asset you would receive. You can also switch from market order to a limit order to submit an offer. You can easily view and cancel your open orders as well as view your trade history.
Note: Market rate swaps are temporarily limited to the amount available at the best rate. Any amount offered above this threshold will be posted as an offer (which you can wait for it to be fulfilled or you can cancel the offer in the open order section).
2. Add & Remove Stellar Assets
By entering the asset's code (ex: PTS) and issuer address (ex: GBPG7KRYC3PTKHBXQGRD3GMZ5DB4C3D553ZN2ZLH57LBAQIULVY46Z5F) you can add trust lines to your favourite Stellar tokens. You can also remove the trust line as long as the balance is zero.
3. Join Inflation Pool
Easily join the Lumenaut.net 0% fee inflation pool to receive your weekly distribution of Stellar's 1% annual inflation and transaction fee pool.
4. Balance Summary
By default we display your available balance which is your total balance minus your trustlines (0.5 XLM each), open trade offers (0.5 XLM each), and your minimum balance (0.5 XLM). You can see how this balance is calculated in your XLM Wallet's Balance Summary (arrow next to XLM).
5. Exchange Address Recognition
We have compiled a list of 21 exchanges that list Stellar Lumens (XLM) and identified whether they require Memo Text or Memo ID. When a user enters one of these exchange's address, either the Memo ID or Memo Text field becomes required depending on which Memo type the exchange uses.
6. Dual Memo Field
Since exchange addresses were the primary use case of Memo's, we made a dual purpose memo field which recognizes whether you are entering a Memo ID or Memo Text field. When you enter only numbers it will be sent as a Memo ID, when you send with alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers) it will be a Memo Text.
7. PIN Settings (iOS only)
Toggle PIN settings on/off for 3 main actions: launching the app, sending, and trading.
8. Security Feature: Anti-Screen Shot (Desktop only)
Helps to prevent users from taking a screenshot of their 24 word recovery phrase. We encourage users to write down their recovery phrase and store it in a safe place. Anyone with access to your phrase will be able to spend your funds.
Upcoming Initiatives:
- Full Anchor Services via Web Portal (CAD, BTC, ETH, LTC... and many more coming soon!)
- BlockPoints (PTS) Airdrop to early adopters
- Android Wallet
We appreciate your feedback in our mission to make the best wallets available.
Download your BlockEQ Wallet today at: https://www.blockeq.com/