Note: Some compatibility-breaking changes have been introduced with this release. Please check the second post for details.
Welcome to js-cosmic-lib!
What is js-cosmic-lib?
implements the Cosmic Link protocol in JavaScript. The Cosmic
Link protocol allow to encode a Stellar transaction as
a query:
It supports compound transactions:
And XDR-as-queries:
While the website provides a convenient way to share
transactions over social medias, emails and static documents, any
wallet/service can issue or handle cosmic links queries by itself. One
advantage of cosmic links is to allow sharing transactions across the ecosystem
without having to rely on any particular service.
Cosmic links adoption will enable developpers to offer innovative services
without having to implement a built-in wallet; And everyboy to use thoses
services withouth having to compromise their private keys or create multiple
accounts. By opening connections between projects, we will start to build a
massive userbase at the ecosystem level rather than fragment it around a few
top-level applications.
Get started
Node / Yarn
npm install --save cosmic-lib
In your script:
const cosmicLib = require('cosmic-lib')
const CosmicLink = require('cosmic-lib').CosmicLink
import cosmicLib from 'cosmic-lib'
import {CosmicLink} from 'cosmic-lib'
bower install cosmic-lib
In your HTML pages:
<!-- Best placed at the end of body to not delay page loading -->
<!-- js-cosmic-lib depends on StellarSdk -->
<script src="./bower_components/stellar-sdk/stellar-sdk.min.js"></script>
<script src="./bower_components/cosmic-lib/cosmic-lib.js"></script>
<script>var CosmicLink = cosmicLib.CosmicLink</script>
<!-- Best placed at the end of body to not delay page loading -->
<!-- js-cosmic-lib depends on StellarSdk -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script>var CosmicLink = cosmicLib.CosmicLink</script>
Note: For production release it is advised to serve your own copy of the libraries.
Sign & Send
var cosmicLink = new CosmicLink(url, { network: ..., user: ... })
.then(function () { return cosmicLink.send() })
Note: network
should be either 'public' or 'test'. user
is the fallback
transaction source account. It is used in case url
doesn't provides one. As
for any address in cosmic-lib, you can give either a federated address or the
account ID.
From cosmic link to Stellar Transaction object
var cosmicLink = new CosmicLink(url, { network: ..., user: ... })
.then(function (transaction) { console.log(transaction) })
From cosmic link to XDR
var cosmicLink = new CosmicLink(url, { network: ..., user: ... })
.then(function (xdr) { console.log(xdr) })
From XDR to URI
var cosmicLink = new CosmicLink(xdr, { network: ..., user: ..., page: ... })
.then(function (uri) { console.log(uri) })
Global configuration
allow to define the default values used when creating
CosmicLink objects and using other cosmic-lib functions. This way, you won't
need to provide the data each time you create a CosmicLink. = '' // Base URI when generating links = 'test' // 'public' by default
cosmicLib.defaults.user = 'tips*' // Undefined by default
Display (HTML)
To automatically display a description of your CosmicLink in your HTML pages:
<!-- This would setup a space where your transactions will display automatically -->
<div id="CL_htmlNode"></div>
To handle the HTML node from javascript:
var cosmicLink = new CosmicLink(url, network, userAddress)
var body = document.querySelector('body')
document.appendChild(body, cosmicLink.htmlNode)
The default style sheet is loaded with the library. If you want to tweak the CSS
you can find the template at:
Make sure you load it after the library.
Emitting cosmic links without this library
As cosmic links syntax is straightforward, it may feel more convenient to write
a few routines to produce them without relying on any additional dependency.
XDR links
function makeXdrUri (page, network, xdr) {
return page + '?xdr=' + xdr + '&network=' network
const uri = makeXdrUri ('', 'test', 'AAA...A==')
Single-operation links
function makeOperationUri (page, operation, arguments) {
var query = '?' + operation
for (let field in arguments) query += '&' + field + '=' + arguments[field]
return page + query
const uri = makeOperationUri('', 'payment',
{ memo: 'donation', destination: 'tips*', amount: '100' }
Note: you may want to sanitize operation/arguments using encodeURIComponent
Multi-operation links
function makeTransactionUrl (page, transactionFields, operations) {
var query = '?transaction'
for (let field in transactionFields) query += '&' + field + '=' + transactionFields[field]
operations.forEach(function (entry) {
query += '&operation=' + entry.type
delete entry.type
for (let field in entry) query += '&' + field + '=' + entry[field]
return page + query
const uri = makeTransactionUrl('',
{ memo: 'text:Example', minTime: '2018-07' },
{ type: 'setOptions', homeDomain: '' },
{ type: 'manageData', name: 'updated', value: 'yes' },
{ type: 'manageData', name: 'userID', value: '737' }
Note: you may want to sanitize fields/operation/arguments using
Additional ressources
This is a beta release, some compatibility-breaking changes are to be expected.
The minor version number will jump by ten when this will happen.
Related tools
Related articles
Services that implement cosmic links
is a free software. You are very welcome to contribute by
whatever means you'd like. Donation are also possible at tips*
Thank you ?
Especially to: Torkus, Dhzam, StellarGuard, Zac and Umbrel.
And to the Stellar Foundation for supporting my work.