Awesome, looks like there's loads of progress being made ? I'm still chugging along working on the infrastructure of my go stellar crawler. I think for me the next step is to integrate some external resources, like the "verified" validators that are listed in the stellar project. I'm also working on a frontend for it, I'm still thinking about how to exactly present the information. Adding more metrics to what stellarbeat is already collecting is what stellarbeat is already working on, so that direction is less interesting to me.
Devising some fancy algorithm to get a meaningful metric out of quorum sets, like @jeffditullio is doing, and using that to inform or even advise users could be a very different site, which is more what I'm leaning to. Though I feel to truly make the network stronger we will need additional information from the validators, like for example is suggested here:
BTW, I'm on a holiday right now, and hacking on code without distractions is sort of part of my relaxation, so if I come across a little bit uncollaborative, that's probably the reason why. I am an open source first guy, so anything I do is done immediately pushed to a public github repo. At the moment the repos I'm working in that are related to this project are: The Go implementation of my Stellar-Core peer and relevant crawler scripts. Perhaps the peer library could be merged into the stellar/go
monorepo at some point. This is where I experiment with displaying the information gotten from the crawlers. Not much to show there yet.
I have quit my regular job, and after my holiday I will have run out of money, so I'll be submitting the project to the SBC hoping to get funding for at least a couple of months runway. If I'm not awarded anything I'll probably have to agree to one of the job offers and go full time again.