I've run stellar-core with COMPLETE_CATCHUP=true.
When it synchronized to 3151488 block (it took about 4 days and it's only 15% of full blocks) I've just need to reboot the server (the electricity in the house was gone)
And now, when I set CATCHUP_RECENT=lastledger - 3151488
stellar-core just started from the begining! It's not actually write to the db all data from the begining. It download buckets from 0% but leaves data in stellar-db untouched
Why it downloaded data from the internet if we have it on the stellar-db ???
Also ! I conf file I've set a history that stored on local disk ! What this "history" for ?
So now I need to wait 4 days again ???
Also. when I will have fully synchronized stellar db with horizon, and when I need to reboot it, than stellar will start downloading ledgers from the begining and I've got a outdated stellar-db for a weeks? Cool ...
It's a normal?
Sorry for my English.