The project ( on the 6th SBC grabbed my attention. I was thinking on how to make it easier for other developers to build on top of it. I started by doing a list of pain points I experienced when running and testing the code. I ended up creating a pull request that enhances the project, here is what I did:
Upgraded the project to use Typescript.
Added system variables so we no longer expose sensitive data inside the code such as database info, accounts or stripe api keys. These could be easily configured using .env files for each environment (.env.test, .env.development, .env.production and .env for the default configuration).
Add types to the server and tests so the code is more reliable, easier to understand and debug.
Added VsCode support for a better workflow.
Organized the folder and file import structure.
Standardized the code style using tslint and prettier.
Added an endpoint to allow trust with tests. (The accepts and pays deposit test was failing if the developer didn't manually allow the trust)
Extracted stripe and stellar sdk into services so those are setup correctly according to the environment.
Check out the PR -> (
I also want to add support for a subscription based model where the user subscribes using his credit card through Stripe getting dollars in his Stellar account every month, this so users can trade those for Lumens or any other asset giving a lot of liquidity to the network with very low fees. I would love to hear your thoughts.