I'm currently elbow deep into a couple of improvements to the SDK:
Making the Scala SDK available in Maven central
Up until about a week ago the SDK was available on Bintray, but users needed to add a custom resolver in order to use it. This is not best practice. To fix this, libraries should be published to Maven Central. The process for making libraries available there is infamously laborious and difficult. Automating releases via Travis is also tricky.
In the last week I have automated the library released to Maven Central. https://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Cio.github.synesso%7Cscala-stellar-sdk_2.12%7C0.1.5.5%7Cjar
Outstanding work
The library depends upon an SDF customised variant of the security library EDDSA. This is not available on Maven Central. The source for it is not available, and the reasons for the customisations (done 3+ years ago) are not clear. One of the following needs to happen:
a) Find/decompile the source, create a project and make it available on maven central
b) Understand the customisations and rewrite the SDK to use the official EDDSA library
I'm leaning towards option b.
Improved documentation
Previously, the documentation was limited to the github README file. It required manual updates to ensure that the version numbers were correct and that the sample code worked.
I am currently in the process of using a site generator to create full documentation. The build system ensures that the version numbers match the git tag. It also extracts example code from unit tests, ensuring that the samples in the docs will always work.
The work in progress can be seen at http://synesso.github.io/scala-stellar-sdk/
Outstanding work
- the content of the docs. At a minimum I'd like to cover the Horizon lookup methods and how to create/submit transactions.
- turn off domain redirection from synesso.github.io to my personal domain (it's something I set up 5 years ago and I really don't recall how it works just yet. ? )
- The built-in search bar doesn't seem to work. Either I fix it or turn it off.