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Project title
Undiscovered Story Game “Celebrating the achievements of Girls & Women throughout Her-Story”
Undiscovered Story is a Learn & Earn Cryptocurrency Blockchain Game that celebrates the achievements of Girls & Women throughout her-story.
Undiscovered Story Game [https://undiscoveredstory.com/]
Official Undiscovered Story website: [https://wirdwrld.io/undiscovered-story/]
Bring positive attention and exposure to Stellar based gaming, payments, and security.
Build a Cryptocurrency and Blockchain product for mass adoption that is easy, fun and engaging to use and play.
Educate the general public on the accomplishments of Girls and Women throughout history in science, technology, math, engineering, and the social good arena.
Build a Progressive Web Application (PWA) front end to lower the friction of onboarding new users and provide a consistent look and feel on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
Utilize a combination of On-Chain and Off-Chain mechanisms for extra security as well as testing before feature upgrades on the live server.
Undiscovered Story gives players the opportunity to learn about blockchain, earn cryptocurrency and to do social good. For each correct answer they give, players earn one Undiscovered Story Game Token (UDGT), the game’s native crypto token.
When an incorrect answer is given, instead of “burning” the token as many other crypto projects do, the token the player would have won is donated to a vetted girl or women-led charity, initiative, or business.
The game also features a permission-based social good advertisement system. Most everyone we have interviewed does not like being interrupted by advertisements, and most either turn down the volume or walk away to do something else while an ad plays. Our technical solution has permissioned based advertisements at the end of the game leaving the game player in full control.
The ads feature only a comment bar. If a game player views the ad until the end, and offers a constructive comment to the advertising partner, they will receive a reward creating a win-win solution and relationship for the game player and the advertiser. The game player wins by being rewarded with UDGT, and the advertiser wins by knowing that their ad has been watched fully.
Weekly and monthly “Bonus Pools”, allow users who have at least 44 UDGT tokens in their wallet to participate in being selected to receive 10,000 UDGT or more.
The Undiscovered Story Game is valuable for Stellar because
Stellar is virtually unknown outside of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency professionals and enthusiasts. The Undiscovered Story Game has the ability to make Stellar a household name and bring positive attention and exposure to Stellar based gaming, payments, and security.
It is easy enough for our moms to use. One of the glaring problems with almost every blockchain and cryptocurrency based product or service is that they are generally not easily usable by the average person, as our moms. We have discovered through our face to face interviews and online research with everyday persons, including moms, dads, young adults, and teens, that unless a product is easy to use mass adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrency product or service is not going to happen.
Girls and Women have been largely overlooked in Science, Technology, Math, and in the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency sphere. The Undiscovered Story Game celebrates their achievements using a blockchain smart contract and digital currency built using Stellar´s open source codebase.
How our project utilizes Stellar
Undiscovered Story utilizes a Stellar blockchain smart contract, and a Stellar XLM based token called UDGT. Every initially registered game player is given the games Stellar wallet with a predetermined amount of Undiscovered Story Game Tokens (UDGT).
For every correct answer, a game player is rewarded with a deposit of UDGT into their wallet. When players choose the incorrect answers, a portion of any rewards are also deducted from the game player’s wallet, and distributed to a network of verified charities operating around the world utilizing a Stellar smart contract.
16 custom API’s were created to serve different modules of our application which involves on-chain Stellar smart contract API’s and off-chain Firebase/Firestore API’s all working harmoniously together.
The frontend is developed on ReactJS with the backend developed on NodeJS from where the API’s are being served.
Heroku is used as a middle tier/server to serve the Stellar Smart Contract as well as Firebase API´s which are responsible to fetch and push the data from Firebase according to the request being made.
Off-chain gaming mechanism
We are using two services from Firebase:
- Hosting (Our app is hosted on firebase’s hosting platform)
- Firestore (That is our real-time database)
The Firebase service for the database is entirely serving the off-chain gaming mechanism. This permits us to perform future game upgrades without affecting the Stellar smart contract and the transactions made through the smart contract.
This off-chain gaming mechanism records the transactions made on the Stellar smart contract, with the responses of every transaction being recorded in the Firebase/Firestore database in realtime.
This implementation allows us to always have a backup record of every transaction that occurs or has occurred. This off-chain gaming mechanism allows for extra protection of game user data in case of any major changes or updates to the Stellar network.
Cross-platform. Our Progressive Web Application (PWA) provides a consistent look and feel on all desktops, tablets, mobile devices, and browsers.
Undiscovered Story Game [https://undiscoveredstory.com/]
Official Undiscovered Story website: [https://wirdwrld.io/undiscovered-story/]
GitHub: [https://github.com/WIRDPBC]
Official Telegram Group and News: [https://t.me/officialundiscoveredstorygame]
Medium: [https://medium.com/@wirdwrld]