Equilibre.io is a portfolio balancer for the Stellar Decentralized Exchange.
A portfolio balancer is a software in which you can comfortably manage your funds, fiat or crypto, without having to mess with trustlines, orderbooks & price picking.
- Make the algorithms with which I manage my portfolio since a year available to all, in a friendly interface.
- Positively impact the SDEX markets, as the balancer makes gains by providing liquidity where it is needed.
- Demonstrate how to build wallet independent application for Stellar.
- Develop a lightweight application framework which is XSS-resistant & Content-Security-Policy compatible.
At the time of this writing, all those goals have been attained.
- Web application with a wide screen-size & operating system compatibility.
- Installable on your computer or your smartphone.
- Well-tested algorithms that manage thousands of dollars every day.
- Stay safe and never disclose your private key.
- Prices in USD or in your national currency.
- Account historical performance, including daily historical balances & fiat value.
- Multi-anchor support for tethered assets.
- Live data always on sync with the blockchain.
- Fast interface built on top of an optimized framework.
- 100% uptime as Equilibre.io runs client-side & only use public APIs.
- Translatable interface, with French translation available.
- Open source software, as in trustable & auditable.
Log in with your public key or your federated address. Then:
- Select the assets you want to hold.
- Set how muchof those you want (i.e.: 50% USD, 25% BTC, 25% XLM).
- Sign a transaction that passes the required trades.
- Repeat regularly (every day, week or month).
Equilibre.io doesn’t pass trades automatically: you are the only one in control, as it is meant to be.
The transaction can be signed with either Stellar Authenticator, Stellar Laboratory, Ledger Wallet or the XDR. The interface provides QR codes for phone signing.
Equilibre.io is SEP-0007 compatible, so incoming SEP-0007 wallets such as Keybase, Lobster & Stellar Expert ID will be supported from day one.
Price Picking
The magic happens in the price picking algorithm, which is tailored to fit the specificities of Stellar Decentralized Exchange.
The algorithm takes a number of parameters into account, such as the global asset price, the order size, orderbook spread & existing offers. It will never trade an asset at a discount, but it will definitely detect opportunities to make a premium.
Anchors Aggregation
If you hold a tether such as BTC on two or more anchors, then it will get aggregated & managed as a unique balance. On top of being convenient, it comes with the following features:
- Orderbooks merging: orders are passed on the anchor offering the best rates.
- Risk management: funds gets evenly spread between anchors.
- Easy migration: add/remove anchors on-the-fly.
Portfolio Rebalancing
The point of rebalancing a portfolio is to optimize profits while mitigating risks. While you can use Equilibre.io to buy/sell fixed amounts, portfolio rebalancing is where it really shines.
A portfolio on the Stellar DEX could be something like 50% Lumens, 25% Bitcoin, 25% Ethereum. By regularly bringing back your funds to that initial balance, you can even your performance and turn volatility into a profit.
Worth noting: this is is how crypto index funds such as Crypto20 or Cryptomover are managed.
About This Entry
What Will The Prize Used For?
First thing first: to pay myself. Coding those apps is my main activity and this contest is the perfect opportunity to reward myself for the work.
Then, to finance the ongoing development of Equilibre.io and other Cosmic.Plus software. My notebooks are full of awesome features & I'm nowhere near tired yet.
Finally, I'd like to be able to reward contributors and eventually to welcome a new team member. I think my software could benefit from a talented graphic designer.
Translators Are Welcome
Translating Equilibre.io is merely a story of editing a text file. You'll find details there. I'm also looking for a native English speaker who can help me correct my Frenchy errors.
Feedbacks Are Welcome Too
I'm always happy to hear about your comments & ideas 🙂
Application: https://equilibre.io
Note: You can explore the interface even if you don't have a Stellar account by clicking on "demo" in the footer.
Organization Website: https://cosmic.plus
Update Notifications: https://www.reddit.com/r/cosmic_plus/
Source Code: https://github.com/cosmic-plus/webapp-equilibre-io