tavi That's both generous and perhaps risky, and you can still file for the trademark; we successfully registered Marscoin, Marspay and XMC through USPTO, but it took 3 years of preparation, documentation and legal filings, and international protection is still at least a year away. And even though you might be happy with supporting people using CENTYwhatever as their own marks, you still might consider registering centy for defensive purposes - for example, we don't intend to use our XMC mark as a weapon, but we didn't want to risk another entity registering it and prohibit us from using it. Also, you don't necessarily have to file trademarks on every variation; the trademark covers "deceptively similar" usage. You can also register with ICANNs trademark clearinghouse to prevent centy.xxx, for example, to be registered (though it's also a long process. https://www.trademark-clearinghouse.com/ ). It depends on your business goals though as to how much you need to invest in defending your brand. Bitcoin is doing just fine without a trademark, but I am quite certain that Libra is going to have an army of attorneys making sure every use is authorized, licensed and paid for.