Hello Guys

Theres seems to be an issue activating new accounts. Once an account is generated, sending funds to activate its doesn’t seem to be working anymore.

I’ve created many new accounts before & it they have all activated by sending 1.5 XLM, however yesterday I noticed any new accounts being created simply would not activate no matter how much XLM was sent to them.

Has anyone had the same issue before and could anyone spread some light on the subject?

    bkolobara Hello Bkolobara

    Thank you for your reply, i’ve used A number apps to send a payment to active new accounts. So far until 2-3 days again there’s been no issues.

    bkolobara I used LOBSTR to do this but now it seems to state “ destination doesn’t have an xlm trustline “

    Nathanofzion That's strange. The native asset Lumens (xlm) should not require a trustline. Only when using 3rd party assets in wallets you first need to establish a trusline before receiving it.

    Yes it’s strange, there must be an update to Horizon of some sort. Tried sending with to activate accounts with https://Zig3.io, cryptomovers.tech and LOBSTR they all seem to have some sort of error.