Leinad123 We are new to the stellar exchange platform. Can anyone inform me how I can exchange some of my equid coins at stellar exchange to btc or any other coin? Please let me know that process.
bkolobara Leinad123 You can use a tool like stellarterm to trade on the stellar exchange. You will need to enter your secret key on the account tab and you will be able to trade. Here are the eQuid - BTC/XLM markets: https://stellarterm.com/#exchange/BTC-naobtc.com/EQD-equid.co https://stellarterm.com/#exchange/XLM-native/EQD-equid.co
bkolobara Leinad123 I'm not familiar with the eQuid wallet. If you can't export your secret key, maybe you can here generate a public/secret key and afterwards add a trustline to eQuid on stellarterm using the new secret key. Then you transfer all the eQuid to the new public key.
Leinad123 So the only way I can't exchange is to transfer coins from eQuid wallet to stellar site? And after transfer, Wats the next step of exchanging
bkolobara Leinad123 I would use stellarterm to exchange it once you get your secret key and transfer eQuid to the account. I don't own any eQuid, so I can't give you clear step by step instructions how to do it.
Garth Your secret key is under your name in the upper right hand corner both in the eQuid wallet and the ecliptic wallet. the equid wallet is designe for equid and equid affiliated assets so it will be better to use ecliptic for XLM and BTC. Stellarterm is a trading client and no funds get transferred there like a typical exchange. When you sign in with your secret key you will see the funds that are in that wallet. They don't get transferred. Does that make sense yet? It takes a bit to wrap your head around it.
Leinad123 I get an idea but I swear there is no secrete key in either accounts I swear I thought it's account id but they say it starts withletter S
Garth In the top right corner on the equid and ecliptic wallets you will see your username in a box. Click on that and it will give you the option to look at your secret key.