Stellar payments in Whatsapp, Telegram, Keybase, Matrix, Discord, Slack and Twitter!
Send money to more than a billion people in the world using your preferred messaging app, any currency, any asset, in seconds with the unbreakable security of the Stellar Network.

Reach the whole world sending Stellar assets using Whatsapp as a wallet. With a few simple text commands you can send any asset to your family and friends, businesses, fundraising campaigns, any recipient, any currency, any asset, any time. Money can't be simpler and that's the whole concept of a truly modern banking experience, welcome to Paysapp.
In a few words, just take a look:
Pay 100 to Caroline
That's how simple Paysapp is. With a handful of actions you can send money all over the world, check your balance, handle multiple assets, trade them in the Stellar marketplace, and to make it even simpler you can use your phone number or any vanity name you like.
The messaging platform will be provided by Whatsapp and the unbreakable ledger by the Stellar Network, a match made in heaven.
In order to test the platform you have to add +14155238886 to your Whatsapp contacts and send the following message 'join official-pleasure' to access the testing sandbox. Once greeted by the Whatsapp bot all comunication will be between our servers and your commands, now send 'hello' to activate your wallet and we will create a Stellar account with 10000 XLM for you to test. If you want to set a vanity name just send the command 'name Caroline' and that name will be reserved for you if not already taken, then people can send money directly to your phone number or Paysapp name. Isn't that awesome?
From now on all you have to do is use the 'pay' command to send money all over the world. 'Pay 100 to George' and I will receive 100 XLM in my account. The default asset is XLM but you can easily change it to any of the 150 currencies in the world with this simple command 'asset USD' using any 3 char currency code. Want to send GOLD or SLVR? GOAT or HUGS? Easy peasy, we can trade any imaginable asset in the Stellar Exchange, but that'll take a bit longer, we're working on all the amazing features a modern wallet should have.
Join us in this incredible journey, try Paysapp in the Testnet while we finish some details and prepare for the countdown. Lift off in 3, 2, 1...
- Initial development and testing
- World currencies and top cryptos
- Expanding to all assets and trading
- Deposits via credit cards
- Withdrawals to bank accounts
- Multiple languages and internationalization
- World domination
Source code at https://github.com/kuyawa/paysapp
x app icon
x twilio registration and sandbox access
x validate messages from twilio
x database design
x account registration
x balance
x set name
x send payment
x send msg to receiver after payment
x account as qrcode
x help formatting
x asset price
x transaction history
x trustlines
x multiple assets
x trading assets
x trading orders
x trading history
x cancel orders
x orderbooks
x database merging
x inter-app messaging
~ Whatsapp bot (ongoing)
~ Telegram bot (ongoing)
~ Keybase bot (ongoing)
~ Matrix bot (ongoing)
~ Discord bot (ongoing)
~ Slack bot (ongoing)
~ Twitter bot (ongoing)
In the pipeline:
- charts
- contacts
- set language
- set default country/currency by phone
- change default currency (currency JPY)
- minpay limit > 'Rejected by recipient'
- maxpay limit > Max limit reached'
- payment to external address 'pay 100 to GABY06...TO56'
- invoices as qrcodes for easy payment request
- merchant API webhooks (send payments to url)
- merchant API reports (send daily sales to url)
PS. I know a billion dollar business when I see it. It's only a matter of coincidence between code and capital with a grain of luck to make it a reality. The code is almost ready... join us!