The mlm ended yesterday and more than 36000 new equid accounts were opened. Many of those were by a few bots and that was causing the wallet slow down. I am guessing there are about 5 to 7 thousand individuals who hold wallets. The next step in the process is to sign into the directory on the website which will be ready later today. In the directory you need to put your name and address and enter a pledge for the amount of eQuid you will accept per month. eQuid measures its value by dividing the total monthly pledge by the amount of eQuid in circulation. Once the mlm distribution is done there will be about 10 million eQuid in distribution. The arbitrary launching price is $.01 That means we need 100,000 in pledges to justify $.01
A pledge doesn't cost you anything. You are just agreeing to accept that amount per month as payment. The goal is to build a community locally with enough people and businesses agreeing to accept eQuid as payment so you feel comfortable that you can spend your money on the things you need anytime you want. This is the eQuid network and what we are building right now. Tell your employer or your friends you will accept it if they will. the bigger the network, the bigger the pledge number the more valuable eQuid becomes.
With 5000 individuals each pledging to accept $100 per month that is 500k. divided by 10 mil puts the value at $.05 Lets build up the total pledges and watch the value grow. If everyone gets one business to sign up and pledge $500 per month the eQuid value will go to $.3
The real value of eQuid is in the network and the ability to use it for the things you need. The potential for growth is huge and we are at the very beginning. We are going to be able to trade eQuid soon on Stellarterm but I don't recommend selling your equid right away. There isn't much of a market for it yet and you will likely drive the price down. Remember the guy who bought a pizza for 10,000 BTC? don't be that guy.
Be sure to sign up for the eQuid newsletter of the facebook page as well as here to be sure you get notifications. I will be announcing soon when the directory is ready to sign into.