Garth go to the site, open an account, go to the mlm page, put in your address and a referral address if you have on in the mlm viewer. Sign up more people and have them put your address as the referrer.
Garth Welcome to those who are joining this forum to keep up with the mlm distribution news and to learn about trading at I will be providing some basic tutorials for trading but the purpose of this forum it to provide a place where we can all put our two cents in and help each other out.
manojvyas309 Dear Garth didnt get any info about further trading, how to withdraw and where all the eQuid coins shows in which exchange or directly from eQuid .co website? Let us know something about us as launching date is just near n coming tomorrow.
Garth I will be posting information in this forum and letting people know about new postings on facebook. If you haven't already you should join the equid facebook page and the facebook equid trading group.
manojvyas309 Hey Garth Please tell us how can we see our eQuid coins that we get from MLM Offer as well as that we purchased Where they show. Please let us know how to withdraw eQuids in our Bitcoin wallet etc. This is my eQuid Address GCY25SIEIVPKRUZEDJXFVVBXPXIB35UE4DZX3CJI473PGCWILX2VTQHQ
mbahokey hi sir Garth hope will fixed to launch in the market.. We need to know the next news, about equid ballance ,wallet condition and how to use EQD with XLM in the market thank you