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Project title:
SendIt - Blockchain payment via Email
SendIt is on a mission to simplify the use of blockchain for everyday users. SendIt is a simple but powerful wallet that allow anyone to send and receive payment via their normal email, users to use and interact with stellar blockchain just like they will use their normal bank app, without the need to know the technical part of it. It is no doubt that the greatest challenge to blockchain mass Adoption is caused by the complexity of Blockchain, fact that not everyone can understand the technical part of blockchain, not everyone will understand what public key, private key, consensus algorithm, validators, smart contract, hashing, cryptography, encryption, decentralization and other technical terms really mean, These terms makes Blockchain Really hard to use for someone who just want to enjoy control of their Money and the security blockchain provides, Sendit is solving this problem.
Applications, tools, infrastructure
- SendIt is on a mission to make Blockchain services accessible to everyone.
- Simplify the use of Blockchain for Everyday users, Encouraging mass adoption.
- Financial Inclusion for All through stellar Blockchain
We have launched the testnet version for everyone to check out (With limited features) and we will appreciate feedbacks, Within Two months we will launch on mainnet with Support for few stable coins and XLM. As we progress we will integrate more stable coin and other asset supported on StellarDex.
The present dapps are really doing a great job, but there is still need to embrace the everyday users(The masses), using any of the present wallet requires you to provide your recipient public key, Which can actually be a serious challenge to someone not in the space before. SendIt has provide an awesome solution to this, users don't need to Know anything about the public key part of blockchain to enjoy the benefit of blockchain, With SendIt users can send/transfer fund to anybody just by knowing their recipient email address(Not a Federated address). Say your friend Bob own the email address, you will be able to transfer any Trusted asset to Bob just by typing his email address( and he get a notification of the fund and can do whatever he wishes to do with his Fund, When sending to Bob for the first time, you will encrypt this transaction with a pin, Bob can only claim ownership of fund if he has the Pin for this Transaction.
Reverse/Recall Transaction send to a wrong email- We understand that users can actually make mistake of typing a wrong email address when sending fund/asset to a new account, for this we provide a solution to be able to recall/reverse this transaction just in-case of any mistake(as long as the users of the email don't have the pin to the transaction) say you send asset/fund to instead of, you will be able to reverse this transaction back to your account but you only get the destination asset. This feature is only available if you are sending to a new account. Transaction sent to an existing account can not be reverse.
In another attempt to encourage mass adoption of stellar blockchain, Users of SendIt will be able to Hold Asset A and send Asset B to another Users, via their Email, Public address or a federated Account(This will be only for asset available on stellar Dex). Example You are a father/husband who works in the Uk and have your family in Nigeria, You will be able to transfer USD and Your family get NGN(Almost instant, thanks to stellar awesome structure) without the need for any of the parties to visit bank for this transaction, and fund is available to be withdraw immediately to you local account(Thanks To stellar Anchors). Imagine You seating on your couch at home(say London, UK, China. etc) and be able to send me Naira without the need to visit a bank for FX or the need to Visit the Exchange to sell one token for another. You get to See the amount that will be deducted from Your account before Sending. This feature will be available for all asset added to the wallet.
It is no doubt that blockchain provides tons of advantage compare to the traditional Financial system, with SendIt, Users will be able to enjoy the benefit of Stellar Blockchain without the need to know the technical part of it. Users will be able to Fund their wallet just like they will fund their normal bank account, have TOTAL CONTROL OF Fund, SECURITY, LOW TRANSACTION FEE, FAST TRANSACTION TIME(3 secs) and many more will be available to user.
Experience Users of Blockchain wallets are also welcome to use SendIt, transfer via federated and Public Key address will also be made available for everyone, Experienced Blockchain Users will be able to add custom asset and this custom asset will be available for email transfer too. Users will be able to receive trusted asset via their federated address and public key from other Experienced users and they will be able to get trusted asset via their email too.
The test version for the wallet is available to be tested out by anyone, Custom adding of asset isn't available for the testnet version at the moment. For deposit You can mimic the deposit of both USD and NGN and the amount you enter will be credited for testing(not more than 20k). We plan to launch with USD, XLM, NGN, and adding custom asset, More asset will be added as we progress.
Tags: python, sendit,