Thank you for your reply.
There is something I don't understand:
Stellar tells us that for an ICO, you need to create an issuer and deposit it out to 1 or more distributors, then lock in the supply forever.
However, most of the assets (on stellar.expert), are locked, moreover many expert advises it,
since this is the only guarantee that you will not be able to supply your issuer.
In our example, new users who wish to buy your asset, you will have to create a wallet, and establish a trustline, between the issuer and the new wallet (otherwise you can't transfer from distributor to new wallet -> no_op_trust), but this is impossible, because the issuer has a weight of 0.
So what would be the reasonable solution?
In this case, is it not possible to envisage that the distributor(s) inherit the issuer's authorization (low threshold) to give the trustline to each new wallet?
PS: I forgot to mention, the issuer must be able to add/remove (vesting/fraud/...) the trustline and also use the clawback, so I use
SetFlags [Required | Revocable | Clawback] on Issuer