If you want to send money to friends, relatives, partners in another country.
Use Stellar, Stellar to send money as fast as sending an email at a very low cost.
In this article, I will guide you through the creation of a stellar wallet, how to send and receive money through a wallet stellar.
1. Go to : https://www.stellar.org/account-viewer/#!/ and click Generate buttom . Immediately, you will receive a stellar wallet. Includes Public Key and Secret Key. Save it and pay attention not to let anyone know the Secret key.
I insist, do not let anyone know this Secret key if you do not want to lose money in the wallet
- With the public key, that's where you get Lumens (money). Give this code to your friends, relatives or partners.
- With Secret key: This is the key to open your wallet. Keep it carefully and do not let anyone know.
2. In this site : https://www.stellar.org/account-viewer/#!/ . To log into your wallet, paste your secret key into the secret key, then click Sign in
3. After Sign in, you will see the dashboard interface as shown below:
"This account doesn't exist on the network. To create this account, send it at least 20 lumens (XLM) to fulfill the minimum balance."
Copy Your Stellar public key:
Exp : GCGX6O2OA7LHGXZUNBFRDGPP4ZN66FJRZBLCWG6OPDCGHN56FIQC3UBR And give it to your friends, relatives, or partners to deposit money into it
When you have Lumens in your account, you can sell, or send to others
Check Receiver's Public key , Amount again, If all correct , click Submitting transaction . If incorrect, click Edit to fix
You can see Transaction History if Transaction successfully completed
You can check Lumens price at http://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/stellar/
and find the market where you can sell or buy Lumens