1000USD I have some stellar account but i forgot my mails. How i can find them on stellar ? Because some one have this tutorial - can find my mail again . They sell it very expensive . I need your help . Thanks for reading .
1000USD 1000USD I have some Stellar account, i remember my login and password but not the email used to register since i used a bunch of emails for e-currency. Can you help me to get the email address used to register those accounts?
bkolobara 1000USD It looks like many people have this exact problem. I don't know any solution to it. Send an email to hello@stellar.org. Maybe they can help you.
fiatjaf Try each one of your emails. Did you register an account with some hosted wallet provider? Try contacting them instead of hello@stellar.org.
1000USD fiatjaf Thanks . But i forgot my mail address and i want to know it. and stellar system can't display that mail .
bkolobara 1000USD If stellar.org can't help you I don't think that anyone here can do something about it.