chainhead @bks @nengine @willemdejongh Take a look here:
bkolobara bks This value is hardcoded here: You will need to recompile stellar-core to change it.
ormorteey bkolobara I'm looking at It seems the values hardcoded in LedgerManager::GENESIS_LEDGER_TOTAL_COINS is quite more than 100 billion. Is there a calculation somewhere else which gives 100 billion or I am looking at the wrong place for the total initial number of coins in the stellar network?
bkolobara ormorteey The value is expressed in stroops. You need to dived it by 10 million to get Lumens.
Jem Mrnewliu Do you really need a friendbot? Or are you just looking for a way to create accounts? Because you can do the latter without the former.
Vishwas1 Is the NODE_SEED value we set in the config file of stellar-core is what root account secret is ?
dzham Maybe try with an older version of stellar core? Removing "signers" is a quite recent change, so your tutorial might not be compatible with it.