Is Stellar NEWS Forum, dedicated for "Stellar Foundation, a not for profit Organization - Lumens XLM"
MyStellar.org are proud have been releasing reward as much as = MORE THAN 100 000 Lumens XLM
(we lost count, its been more than 1year, from the beginning and still live today)
Average Visitor 1500-3500user daily (up&down)(Last high 4500)
Average Daily Post/day 68.42
Average Thread/day 8.49
we believing in the goal of Stellar to Fight and Help Ending Poverty, thats why we help,
everyone could having fun, be CREATIVE while being PRODUCTIVE at myStellar.org ,
by posting and blog about anything, you will receive STELLAR LUMENS (XLM) as payment and rewards..

by (PAID TO POST), we encourage people to make stellar transaction between others and to exchange
so everyone could see the benefit of stellar, Stellar almost NO FEE, that's why stellar is suitable for local and international money transfer, the feature is filling the gap which lacking in other cryptocurrency
Not only we help an evenly distributed Stellar Lumens ;
We also try to support every Developers and their Stellar product,
by promoting your stellar product ONLY at MyStellar.org , you becoming the shareholder of this forum, therefor everytime this forum gain income by advertisement or any winning prize, not only there will be New Giveaway programs in release, but also the developers promoting their Stellar product ONLY at myStellar.org will ALWAYS get bonus shares.
we help build the FUN in stellar community, also provide anything that community needs.
so don't go anywhere, MyStellar.org media forum is a backup and 1stop news portal for every Stellar Related
IF anyone needs any custom or anything from this forum, please don't hesitate to give any thought, we will cooperate and provide the best we can, also
kindly inform us, if there is a suitable media for us to free advertise, to help build the community