if you want to set a base asset you want to trade your ICO for, you only need have a bot setup that is setting the price in semi real time based on the asset of interest say for instance USD from feeds you get from world markets or places like poloniex.com. you can then have your ICO bot setup orders over time at what you want them to sell for depending on the exchange rate at present. you can even control the rate at which you sell them at by setting the limit of liquidity you have set on how much of your ICO tokens you setup for sale over windows of time.
As an option you could also have it so you could have multiple open orders to sell your ICO for multiple assets of say XLM, BTC, ETH, JPY... yet all for the same base peged value you choose to sell the ICO for.
The bots I speak of are already open source on my github or you can write your own that do the same. It is the present method we use to set the prices of open orders on stellar.org network of THB and USD on https://funtraker.site Bank with XLM and BTC and other.