No this ICO is not directly related to the eSACCO app as such. (Will do an update on the app in that post - working on the ICO, marketing etc cost us some time but we will be ready soon)
Have you had a chance to read the ESDT ICO prospectus yet? This will give you a very clear idea of the purpose of this ICO, its about raising funding for the SACCO business, not the app. The exiting eSACCO app is already in production supporting the business case, the new app is adding Stellar blockchain functionality, but its not adding much to the business case.
To clarify - we are issuing these tokens using this and locking the issuing account. We will distribute it through it direct through eSACCO manually, and through where we are adding a facility to sell Stellar Assets (XLM and ESDT for now), federation and ability to create new accounts. We are in the middle of changing infrastructure at the moment, but we should have the live bridge and federation servers ready over the weekend to show you.
Wrt to selling, we have already integrated MTN and AIrtel mobile money as well as the eSACCO wallet as local fiat payment options but have been delayed by our aggregator with the Visa/Mastercard API for integration - we hope that will be ready later next week. Visa is critical for us for the diaspora where we had a very positive response from.
As far as storing the ESDT the new eSACCO wallet could be used by existing eSACCO members, but we see the majority of the sales coming from no-members and investors, so Saza or any of the other Stellar wallets can be used for now.
So this ICO is something that we are doing irrespective of the app. In fact we are very cautions with how we position the apps, the SACCO market is a very conservative market and with things like OneCoin etc very visible in the market we need to manage perceptions around the introduction of anything blockchain very carefully. That's why we will launch the Stellar enabled eSACCO banking app as a separate app (eSACCO Plus) in addition to the existing production app.
ICO's on Stellar is something we see as a possible game changer in terms of raising funds in Africa. We already have two very large agriculture projects that are talking to us about an ICO for them. Once we have gone through this first one and have everything set up the next one will be much easier.
Hope this all makes sense....apologies for not posting more regularly but time is running away from us and its not just the technical side that we are dealing with, we are putting a full business case in operation from scratch!