Quick update.
I've finished what I intended to do for the first iteration: showing and approving a simple payment transaction.
If you have a Nano S and are willing to go through the process of setting up a development environment, you can install the app and run the tests if you want. I've written up some basic instructions in the project README [1]. Feedback is more than welcome.
I've modelled the transaction approval behaviour on the Ledger Nano S Ethereum app. When a transaction is sent to the device there is a loop that shows the payment details on the screen automatically. Unfortunately the recipient address somehow is incorrectly encoded. (Yeah, pretty bad. The code works when you run the tests but not on the device. Possibly something to do with type conversion).
If you do decide to install the app, the companion javascript api contains scripts with which to test it. Instructions again in the README for that project [2].
I'm going to have a little breather before I continue on to the next iteration. During the next iteration I will focus on
- fix the nasty encoding bug
- Adding tests
- Key pair validation
- Supporting a wider set of transactions
- Creating rudimentary demo wallet to show and test the functionality
- https://github.com/lenondupe/ledger-app-stellar
- https://github.com/lenondupe/stellar-ledger-api