fiatjaf - Right now it acts as a wallet. You can store your BTC and ETH at Stronghold now. Soon you will be able to trade it here.

stronghold I know the why, and I'm not disputing it. I'm just hoping for more decentralization.

(The technology is decentralized, teams are decentralized, why not the funding? Obviously, ICOs have largely been a failure, due to money grabbing founders.)

    Cool, now I see what Sean was talking about.
    I can only offer my anchor if you ever decide to outsource that part

      umbrel Thanks for the offer umbrel - Since we are planning to target institutionals in the next coming years, we have to anchor (or have custody) in-house at Stronghold.

      We are excited to be a part of this growing community.

        dzham Sadly, the capital hasn't caught up with the technology yet. It's largely due to how their investors (LPs of funds) view being distributed. They typically don't see it as a positive sign. It's a very traditional way of thinking about it and I'm not sure how that is going to change in the next few years. I guess we will wait and see!

        stronghold ok, then how about collaborating on the same source code? I mean open-sourcing it and using it for both projects? Or in case of Ethereum using SDF's BiFrost, for example?

          umbrel We're certainly open to open sourcing pieces of the anchor down the road. However, right now we're moving too quickly and building specifically to our own needs (and architecture) to be able to offer something safe and usable to the wider community.

          I'll contact you on Slack to see if there's anything we can do now.

          7 days later

          umbrel - Our source code is written is Go. Would you be okay with starting that language our of our public repo?

            stronghold Yes, I'm ok with Go, my team is not up to speed, but we will catch up.

            Hey umbrel - That is great news. We will work to move our private repo into a public space in the next coming weeks.

            Hey guys, I signed up with the email I wanted to send Lumens to it from Astral, but am hitting errors resolving the federation address.

            Here's the URL we were hitting to resolve, for example:

            requestId	"9eb88e73-3268-437e-97e0-1277739f2753"
            timestamp	1510283469
            success	false
            result	null
            errorCode	""

            Thanks, super excited to try it out :-). Really excited to see exchanges that are prioritizing security. Also, I love the design so far.

            4 months later

            Hi everyone,

            Since the last build challenge, we've achieved the following:

            Created a trading interface
            Added two-factor authentication
            20,000+ users have joined
            Registered with FINCEN as a money service business MSB

            We looking forward to anchoring more assets and adding a more robust trading interface.


            Sean and Tammy

              stronghold Hello stronghold, It is certainly a very good project ?

              Is there a way a stellar asset can apply for listing on your network. I have asked for this in tweet last week but got no response. Hence asking ?

                5 months later

                Hi everyone,

                Since the last build challenge, we've achieved the following:

                First venture-backed USD anchor
                IBM initiative
                25,000+ users have joined
                Registered Financial Service Provider in New Zealand

                We looking forward to anchoring more assets and adding a more robust trading interface.


                Sean and Tammy