• Announcements
  • 2B+ lumens will be awarded to projects built on Stellar

bkolobara stickied the discussion .
4 months later
6 months later

Hey Jed!

  1. It looks like we can potentially win XLM for building a forum dedicated to Stellar. I see that there is already one live (e.g. mystellar.org). Is that challenge closed or can we still build new forums and submit that to the challenge?

  2. The giveaways on mystellar.org almost seem 'fake' given how are they present the opportunity with odd font colors, sizes, and animations. The forum also feels like it was built in the 1990s (unlike this one). Are those giveaway promotions legit? https://www.mystellar.org/announcement-1.html


    1. We will need to wait for the announcement of the next challenge to see if there is still a forum category. If there is, you can definitely try to extend our community. Sometimes the price is split between GalacticTalk, mystellar and others. So you still would have a chance to win something, even you are not the biggest forum.

    2. Yeah, mystellar ?. I would say they have their own style. I tried to support them in the beginning with some feedback, but they seem to become more and more hostile towards all other competitors in the forum category. If someone links to GalacticTalk, the link gets always removed from the post. On multiple occasions they asked their community for attacks on me. They allow selling stolen credit cards and other shady activities on their forum. And they were spamming the slack channel with the same message over and over again. Also all new users that join the slack get a dm from them to join mystellar. Sometimes I still point people to them, but I try to avoid it. I think that the giveaways are not fake, but am not sure how worth they are. For 40XLM you need to write 10 posts in a limited time or they expire. The giveaway is set up in such a way on purpose so it's really hard to claim it.

      bkolobara Not sure how it happened, but I got elevated into a mod there, so I've been cleaning up a bit. I don't agree with most of the things posted there, so we'll see how long they let me do my thing ?

      The author of the CC post was banned, but the post was still there. Not anymore.

        bkolobara sounds like there is room for another forum dedicated to Stellar then. ? I'll kick one off and try to gain some momentum for the next challenge submission!

          Solman7921 We haven't even really gotten any momentum here, and Galactic talk has been open almost a year.

          As per my acknowledgement, forum is a place where already experienced peoples help to understand things in better way to new user with their own experience, expertise, logic, mind and much more. And for their contribution such user get returns in form of royalty.

          My stellar offering free XLM to user to contribution. Even Bitcointalk also offer signature earnings.

          Galactictalk is good forum with UI and UX really appreciate, But still seems something missing on Galactictalk.

          Stellar is really great altcoin ever with advanced features and futures, which will bring revolution in finance and economy globally.

            crypto I was thinking about adding some gamification to GalacticTalk, but decided in the end to keep it simple. So I guess we found a good balance for now in the community, two forums with different goals.

              bkolobara unstickied the discussion .
              8 months later

              Solman7921 the giveaway is not fake,
              sorry i just found out about this, we already share more than 300,000xlm to this date
              we have been doing this since the begining
              (and we only apart 11days from the launch of galactictalk)

              if the stellar value is to high, we had no choice but to decrease or pending for a while..

              bkolobara wait,, we never do that..
              1. we never ask community to attack on you
              2. YES, i do erase competitors link
              3. we DONT allow selling stolen credit cards and other shady activities, BUT we CANT know all activities, there are so many reporting to the community, and we delete all, but for some other with no report, how to know that??
              (there are around 20shady posted daily, we manage to delete all, but we sometimes dont notice where they put the shady thread are.. we dont always online 24hours in this global day here and night there)

              without support and a lot friends to help, its difficult to control all threads and what the text inside it
              if anyone found something shady, KINDLY please help report it, dont leave it there and said as if MyStellar.org allow it

              now i have to check if other forums have gossips on us too

              first time we gave 100XLM for 10post +using avatar, and as simply as claim it at the thread, the reward will be send every date 15th each month
              the process to claim it not even hard..

              then decrease it to 40XLM, now we decrease it again

              yes, in the past, i do point new user to mystellar.org, it is a competition and galactic always at the front, especially jed's comments is always on galactic, (we do sometimes felt forgotten, even thou we are currently the largest in terms of underbanked community around 5862 user daily)

              GalacticTalk.org dont have to be felt rivaled by MyStellar.org, "our concept is different"
              however your direct rival maybe StellarCommunities.org (because you guys similar)

              next time kindly tell your criticism to me directly..
              i may could explain the miss-understood between us
              if anyone love stellar, please help us, you guys can keep the winning price,
              besides MyStellar.org share the winning price to the community

              dzham thank you so much dzham
              i think maybe you delete it (long time ago) because i didnt do it (never knew it is there)

              or maybe all the other moderator's help..

              5 days later

              Our Team will be building an Amazing Project for the Build Challenge Ending the 15th of March!

              Now I just need to know where to announce it. Is here ok?

              Can't wait to share more as we progress ?

                I posted my entry in the Dev forum, I also submitted the SBC form (but didn't receive any confirmation email). How do I know I entered the build challenge?